The Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator claims that in just 42 days, you can land a client and be well on your way to earning a six to seven figure income by becoming a consultant. As with any potential income maker that boasts about earning a high amount of money. My friend Tai Lopez says don’t be a sucker. But don’t be a cynic.
So Mike Long visited Sam and his top gun Funnel expert Nick Fisher.
What Is the Program?
The Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator Review is a six-week program designed to teach you how to become a consultant in the field you desire. It teaches you how to pick a niche market in the field you desire, how to set up a business and how to market that business to sell consulting services. Each week, a new topic is discussed and honed in on. The classes are done via computer, allowing you to watch them in your free time or to watch them over and over again if something does not click. You get this for the price of $1,997, along with access to expert mentorship.
Everyone needs help and advice when tackling new challenges but true experts are out of reach for most people. Sam’s students get 24/7/365 access to millionaire experts in his Facebook group, weekly Q&A calls and email.
Does It Actually Work?
So after completing your six-week training course, you may be wondering if the program actually works. The bottom line is, for most people, this program can definitely work.
This program shows you how to start your own consulting business from stratch by crafting your own offer. Sam and his team help you pick a niche based on your specific interests, history etc. and then show you how to extract problems from that niche and industry. Once you find that problem they show you how to aquire the skills necessary to solve the problem, and get paid handsomly for it. So you don’t need to worry about what you will be doing for your clients at if you do Sam’s program. He’ll show you how to pick a niche, find a painful problem and then work through the process properly. At the right stage you will see if you have the skills needed to solve the problem and if you don’t they have a process for quickly acquiring those skills yourself or contracting them out to somebody who does.
Is There Anyone Who May Be Successful With the Program?
There’s no “magic niche”, you need to go through this process yourself and Sam teaches you exactly how to do this in detail in the program. It’s the first week of the training for a reason, you don’t pick your niche and then join the program. You join the program to pick your niche. So don’t worry about picking your niche, join and then you’ll figure that out. They have a full process for this.
Sam has students from thousands of different niches and industries. From accounting to Amazon selling to porn addiction to horse dentistry, they have people in everything you can think of. This program is designed as a framework that’s applicable to any industry/niche so whatever niche you’re in, the program will work for you.
On’s website you can see successful students by niche:
Is There Risk if There is a Money Back Guarantee?
The program does offer a money back guarantee, which may make you think that there is no risk involved in it. However, it is important to note that you are putting up almost two grand just to get started. Sam’s training program is proven with 3,000+ testimonials. Try the program risk free and if you’re not happy with it ask for a refund within 14-days and they’ll refund you in full.
If you have heard about the Sam Ovens Consulting Accelerator, you may find yourself wondering if it is a scam or the miracle you have been waiting for to help you earn money quickly.
First…Sam’s been in this niche for over 6 years, he’s lived and breathed it every single day. The best way you can judge whether somebody is trustworthy and able to deliver is by their level of commitment to their customers and craft. You can sign up for Sam’s webinar and look for yourself, click reviews and then just look at all the success stories they have. There’s more than 3,000 video testimonials. Their average customer rating is 4.85 out of 5 stars. Overall, we’d recommend the program.